Customer Engagement & Anti-Counterfeit solutions for Nutraceutical brands

Smart packaging for Nutraceutical brands opens a new channel to engage, protect and build trust with your customers.

Every nutraceutical product becomes digitally connected opening a new marketing channel to engage your customers

Smart packaging has shown to increase repeat purchases and grow revenue

Capture valuable marketing insights and consented first-party data

Protect your brand and create a moment of trust with your customers

consumer engagement and anti-counterfeiting for nutraceuticals

Spending money on plain packaging yields no return on packaging costs. Smart packaging allows you to engage and protect your customers.

Supplement brands are using smart packaging to increase repeat purchases

Getting customers to engage with your brand is a vital part of running any successful business, and supplement industries that offer health, dietary, and protein supplements are no exception.

Smart packaging transforms your supplement products into a new marketing channel for customers to engage with your nutraceutical brand. *According to Gallup research, a highly engaged customer brings in 23% more revenue than the average customer.

YPB has a range of smart packaging solutions to fit any supplement brand’s requirements including cryptographic serialised QR codes, anti-copy codes, or invisible smartphone readable technology. YPB solutions can be non-app based or app-based depending on your requirements.

YPB’s range of smart packaging technology enhances the connection between nutraceutical brands and its customers.

Seamless integration

Nutraceutical Brand Protection

Increase repeat purchases

Improve marketing efforts with first-party data

consumer engagement and anti-counterfeiting for nutraceuticals

Counterfeiting of nutraceuticals take form of these 3 popular methods:

1. Diversion and Grey Market Counterfeiting

Diversion and grey market nutraceutical counterfeiting is when a product's intended destination isn't where it ends up. This can be due to the counterfeiters directing goods elsewhere.

Distributors and importers of nutraceutical supplements have been found to be participating in diversion if they purchase more than what is sold through legitimate channels.

2. Counterfeiting

The dietary supplement industry has been hit hard by counterfeiters, who are taking advantage of the gaps between skyrocketing demand and severe supply chain disruptions related to the pandemic.

Counterfeit products still find buyers even in an age where everyone seems wary about what they're putting into their bodies or onto theirs - which makes this an especially lucrative territory for bootlegs!

Counterfeit supplements may be produced in unlicensed facilities under conditions that are not hygienic. They could contain less of the functional ingredients than their authentic counterpart, or perhaps none at all!

3. Adulteration and dilution

The goal of this crime is to make money by fraudulently claiming an active ingredient when it isn't really there. Sometimes, these criminals will use cheaper ingredients instead so that you can't tell the difference between them and what they're trying to prove with their products (that way no one knows).

Adulteration fraud is a growing problem in the nutraceutical industry. A survey by Nutra Ingredients USA found that within raw botanical plant parts and powders in the US. *53% of them contained plant material that did not match the label.

The food we eat is often safe, but there are still cases where fraudsters add extra ingredients without declaring them on the label. This can put your customers' lives at risk!

consumer engagement and anti-counterfeiting for nutraceuticals

Anti-counterfeit Protection for Nutraceutical Brands Visible (Overt) and Invisible (Covert) Solutions

YPB’s brand protection technologies create a new way to engage, protect and build trust with your customers.

The Nutraceutical industry is booming, and with good reason. People are becoming more and more health conscious, and this type of product caters to that demand. However, as the industry grows, it becomes increasingly vulnerable to counterfeit products.

YPB has developed a range of anti-counterfeit and customer engagement solutions specifically for the Nutraceutical market, in order to make sure your product is one of the genuine ones customers reach for.

So if you’re looking for ways to protect your investment and ensure customer confidence, connect with us today for a free consultation. We can help you put measures in place that will keep your products safe from counterfeiting and fraud – ensuring the success of your business now and into the future.

consumer engagement and anti-counterfeiting for nutraceuticals

App & App-less Solutions

Digital and material science solutions to protect your brand, engage your customers, and manage your supply chain



Perfect pairing serialised QR code with PIN for product verification.


ProtectCode® Plus

Disruptive anti-copy authentication technology. Easily readable by an unmodified smartphone.


YPB Tracer®

Invisible microparticle technology that can be combined into inks, varnish, plastics and other materials. It cannot be replicated, spoofed, or destroyed.



Smartphone readable microparticle technology. Invisible to the human eye. It cannot be replicated, spoofed, or destroyed.



The ultimate brand protection solution integrated with ProtectCode serialised codes to enable supply chain visibility, product verification, and customer engagement.

YPB Connect transforms your supplement packaging into a global billboard for your nutraceutical brand

Get to share valuable information of your product, the story of it’s maker, where it comes from, and offer related items to the one your customer has bought.

Get a clear understanding of where and who your products are popular with to help you optimise production, marketing, and sales.

Prevent your supplement products from being counterfeited. Get real-time monitoring and alerts for potential counterfeit nutraceutical products.

Track and trace is the perfect solution to ensure that you have full visibility of your supplement products throughout its entire journey from manufacturer all-the-way to your customers!

consumer engagement and anti-counterfeiting for nutraceuticals

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